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Did you know Learning Village supports a wide range of curriculum topics? This allows you to support your SEND learners within the main class environment by offering scaffolded resources. 

Tip or Idea: Pre-teaching curriculum-specific vocabulary before a whole class session can help your SEND learners feel more confident and enable them to access class learning more easily. 

Free resource to help you with this activity: Play our Ancient Greeks matching for meaning game and support curriculum-specific vocabulary learning. 

Further learning - Blog

Created: Mon 20th May 2024

What does ‘cross-curricular teaching’ mean?

Beckmann (2009) defines the term ‘cross-curricular teaching’ as ‘instruction within a field in which subject boundaries are crossed and other subjects are integrated into the teaching (how and for whatever purpose or objective)’.

Girl studying
Created: Mon 26th Apr 2021

What is a cloze procedure?

Cloze procedures are tasks where learners fill in the blanks in a text from which entire words have been omitted. Learners decide on the most appropriate words to fill the gaps from a bank of provided words. The word 'cloze' (close) is derived from the word 'closure', whereby participants complete a not quite finished pattern or text by inserting or choosing words to give the text closure (Walter, 1974).

Four students laughing with each other
Created: Tue 5th Sep 2023

A learner’s wellbeing is vital to their achievement and overall success. Nevertheless, an EAL (English as an Additional Language) learner’s wellbeing should be considered more thoroughly when discussing their academic performance and achievements. A learner who speaks “a language other than English as their first language and needs additional support to develop a proficiency in English” (Twinkl, n.d) is considered to be an EAL learner. They can come from a diverse, multilingual and/or refugee background.