Community Village

Vocabulary for hygiene, infection and cleanliness, using an instructional genre.
Scaffolded flashcards and activities to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Learning to learn
A resource all about Mary Seacole, the Jamaican Florence Nightingale. Includes flashcards, an early literacy activity and reading comprehension and fluency activities.
A home-learning minibeasts project for primary pupils.

A useful resource to use with your new arrivals to talk about their first day at a new school. Includes speaking, listening, reading and writing activities.

A resource all about seasons in the Northern hemisphere, and the months associated with them. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Personal pronouns
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Plant and animal cells
A resource explaining different types of punctuation in a simple manner, including examples.
A reading comprehension resource about rainforests, including flashcards, gap fills and more.
A resource all about school camping trips. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A super resource about pancake-making that can be used to teach British Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) traditions! Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing. This is a limited-view resource. For access to the full, members-only resource, please log in.
A resource all about seasons in the Southern hemisphere, and the months associated with them. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A resource all about Sports Day. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
This resource includes a summer learning pack which will give pupils fun, collaborative and sociable ways of continuing to practise their speaking, listening, reading and writing during the summer break period.
A resource all about Swimming Sports. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A resource all about the language we use to speak about bullying.
A table and template with four useful note-taking strategies.

A useful set of downloadable templates to help your EAL learners.

A resource with a model text and corresponding activities for your learners.